Sake No
Uchi R Hisa
Hisa is a strong-willed, robust male breeder bred in-house. His current owner is Diána Pap, but thanks to a close friendship, I spend a lot of time with Hisa. He is reserved with strangers, but once someone gets into his heart, he becomes a very affectionate teddy bear. He is extremely intelligent and emotional. This is evidenced by his excellent role as a mentor and teacher to his sister. Moreover, he is extremely devoted to his mate. He enjoys obedience tasks and is a pleasure to work with. He has been very successful in shows. In everyday life, he is an excellent watchdog who always keeps an eye on what's happening. He never barks without reason.

Registered Name: Sake No Uchi R Hisa Naoki
Breeder: Maria Horvath - Sake No Uchi Kennel
Owner: Diana Pap
Sire: Kokuhouhomaru Go Akita Yaotome
Dam: Shinka Hana Go Shun'You Kensha
Sex: male
Date of Birth: 04 June, 2022
Land of Birth: Hungary
Colour: Red and White
Its results
Baby club winner, Bébi BIS1, 2x Bébi BIS 3, 7xBest MinorPuppy, 2x Hungarian Minor Puppy Grand Winner, Hungarian PuppyGrand Winner, Baby Hope of the Year 2022, 21xHPJ, 14x Best Junior, 11x JCACIB, 19x CAC,
9x CACIB, 10x BOB, 4x BOS, 4x HJCH, Junior CH Serbia, Junior Grand CH Serbia, 2023 JuniorClub Winner,
Junior Bis 3, Romanian Junior Champion, 2023 Transylvanian Junior Champion, Junior BIS II, Junior BIS III, HDGY, Young club star 2023, Adult club star 2023, Best male of the breed 2023, Junior Inter Champion.
HD/A, ED/0, Eyes Clear, Pattela excellent, Breeding license
It has breeding status: Can be bred